Haven't gotten your bag yet?

I know some of you are antsy for your bags. They are coming. I have over 350 bags that need the handles sewn on them. I will ship most of them this week.

I have also been coordinating people to help me cut and sew all these bags. We are having a cutting session today. Also, the fabulous sewing machine company ELNA, INC. has agreed to loan me sergers and sewing machines for the duration of this project. My "crew" and I could not be more excited! We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the machines.

More soon. . .Teresa

Green Bag Lady of Knoxville, TN!

Teresa--Here are a couple of snapshots of the bags I've made. The first photo is a sampling of the bags I have on hand, ready to mail/give away. The second photo is three of the dozen bags I made yesterday, that will be mailed to the folks you forwarded to me. The black bag was made from upholstery fabric I removed from a foot stool that I recovered. That bag is going to the woman in Seattle who requested a plain black bag to use when she rides her bike to the grocery. The bag in the middle was pieced from the denim with embroidered hearts scrap that you gave me, and it's going to the person in New York who said her favorite color is blue. The last bag is one of four that I made from a 2-yard piece of bright turquoise and purple paisley fabric that I purchased from a thrift shop for $2. It's going to a woman in West Virginia.

All my best, Sara

Over 700!


PLUS 8 countries:

Fortaleza, BRAZIL & Petropolis R.J., BRAZIL
Vancouver, CANADA
Havana, CUBA
Freiburg, GERMANY
Sicily, ITALY
Pietermaritzburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Taipei County, TAIWAN

San Diego Bag!

Hooray, I have pictures and my laptop is back up and running.

Left-- I am taking back returns to REI with my daughter (love the bag for returns, I don't have to go find one)
Right--I just made a purchase at Road Runner Sports with hubby. His shoes are so big, it all barely fits.
I printed out your pattern, so hopefully when I find the extra fabric that's laying around this house somewhere, I can make a bag or two and give them away.

Thanks again! Allison

An email from Kuwait. . .

Hi! My name is Sasha Werner. I'm an Oregonian, currently living in Kuwait, and ran across your blog. I just want to say what an awesome thing it is you are doing!!!!! I lived in Germany for the past 2 1/2 years, and got into the habit of using cloth bags at the stores. I collected SO many, and was glad that I brought some over here!( the others are in my storage, waiting to be sent back home to Oregon!) I will honestly NEVER go back! I'm looking at different kinds of cloth veggie bags now, to eliminate even more plastic at the grocery. It's amazing what fabulous things you can find online! :) Kuwait is a beautiful country, but SO wasteful! You couldn't even imagine how many plastic bags you'll see a day, floating on the breeze. It's very sad! So, I finally got tired of the wastefulness, said I don't CARE what people here think, I'm taking my cloth bags to the grocery store. The bagger was VERY confused at first (he tried to put them in a plastic bag!) but I felt SO much better for doing it! It's people like you who are going to help make this world a better place, even if it's bit by bit, or bag by bag! :) I also love that you have great tips for helping out the environment on your blog! So thank you for what you're doing, keep up the good work! I appreciate that you're helping make the world a better place for my kids, and all of our future generations! You're a wonderful person! Sasha Lynn

Germany Bag!

hello teresa,

your fabulous elvis bag, #600, arrived last week! thank you so very very much! you couldn't have picked a better pattern! a rockabilly guy friend of mine is insanely jealous of it already. :)

i'll put a little something in the mail for you in the coming days. thanks again! please find a photo of me and the bag attached,

love, carolin

Brooklyn Green Bag Lady!

Teresa--I gave 4 bags away yesterday and got a pic of three of them-I will track the last one down. I live in a very neighborhoody neighborhood so my plan is to give the bags away at the local coffee shop which is right by the natural food store. I am giving them out as part of your project and telling everyone about you and your site! Here is a photo of Rachel, Joyce and Nicole with their new bags. Annika

Annika is also coordinating a Green Bag Lady sewing event in Brooklyn, NY on August 2, 2008. Please contact her for more details if you live in that area and are interested in attending! MahkaCrafts@gmail.com

I'm back. . .

I have not written anything for a few days simply because I have been sewing my little heart out. I finally answered all the 1000 emails and did send out some bags last Monday and now I am tackling all the fabric that my friends and I cut out last week. I have sewn over 200 bags in the last 4-5 days. I hope to get some more in the mail soon. You will get your bags, I promise.

I have also had some wonderful fabric donations. Julia Smith, here in Nashville, who has a veritable fabric store in her basement. She gave me 6 lovely, mostly vintage, boxes of fabric from said basement. What fun to dig through it all!

Also, the mail carrier was kind enough to drop a box on my doorstep from Jo Garrett. Sent from Pennsylvania to Tennessee, fun, wonderful fabric that you will soon be using to tote your groceries!

One more thank you to the women who have come out of the woodwork and offered sewing services. Yes, we are going to get this rolling. I am working on getting sewing machines on loan and we are in business!

Back to the sewing machine--Teresa


I am taking a break on bag requests. (for now anyway)

I am absolutely inundated with requests for bags. In order for me to fill these requests, I need to stop taking new ones. I have to get caught up on emails, I haven't even been able to sew lately. :)

I am enjoying this project immensely and I will still accept donations of fabric for the 1400+ bags that I need to sew to fill all my current requests.


PLEASE do not let this deter you from switching to fabric TODAY. Also, download the pattern to the right and watch the HOW TO video and make your OWN bags!

Check back to this site frequently for updated photos, posts, etc. The project will continue through more posts and stories from you about your switch to fabric, sewing your OWN bags and setting up your OWN Green Bag Lady sewing events in your community!

Thanks to all of you for your participation in this project so far, I hope it continues through your support of using fabric and sewing your OWN bags and giving them away!

I will let you know when I start taking requests once again. I need some time to get caught up and to figure out some funding!

Also, I think my husband and kids would like to see more of ME not checking email or sewing all the time! :)

Stay green! Teresa


I have just posted 2 videos on the blog (to the right of the screen). One is a "how to" on making your own bag, the other is a little more info about the bags/fabrics. Enjoy! Teresa

P.S. With MANY thanks to my friend and former student, James Pierce for filming and fabulous editing of the videos!

Green Bag Ladies in North Carolina!

My name is Laura and in surfing the internet I came across your website. I love your idea. We have been using fabric bags at our grocery store for a couple of months. They are all green and becoming boring-LOL! When I saw how simple your pattern looked I thought I would give it a try. In 2 days I made 6 colorful tote bags, which is good for me since I NEVER sew! I decided to keep three of them, and my daughter and I took the other 3 with us to the grocery store. She gave them away. It was so much fun to see the expression on their faces when the people realized she was giving them away and not wanting money for them! She and I are going to try to make more and turn this into a summer project. She is recording the bags and the first names of those we hand them out to and the dates we give them away. Unfortunately I can't afford to mail out bags, but I feel there are more than enough people to share them with right here in our home town (North Wilkesboro, NC). I am attaching a picture of my daughter, Rayanna, holding the three bags we made and gave away. She actually declared grocery shopping fun, and it took my mind off the rising prices of food :)

Again thank you so much for sharing your pattern and giving me some fun inspiration.
Laura Reavis

Missouri Bag!

Thank you so much for our bag! Reading your blog has prompted us to buy more bags from our local grocery store as well. We have made the switch! 20+ plastic bags have been saved now! There are a couple of times that we left our bags in the car when we went to the grocery store but we actually went back out and got them! No more plastic for us! The photo was taken at the library today. She carries the books in all by herself using the bag you sent us. Thanks so much! St Charles, MO has one less plastic bag user!

Karon & Emily bag #641

A Slew of Thank Yous!

Thank you for Fabric: Nancy Sue Platz, Bonnie Wagonfield, Janice Doe, and Allison Henry!
For cutting fabric for me: Alicia Steinhilber, April Simpkins and Anna Talley
For sewing bags: Sara Klisz from Knoxville, TN who has offered to make and send bags to the "sewed" out over flow!

Also, all of you lovely people for shipping donations!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Words are not enough. . .Teresa

Another Texas Bag!

Thank you for the bag, we love it!
Here is my son Harrison, at the local Walmart!
Jennifer--Bag 163
Harker Heights, TX

Adorable Carrington and His Bag!

My son was excited to receive his bag. He's not used it for shopping so much as he is using it to carry around his toys. We went to Costco the other day and I grabbed a photo (attached). It's not the most exotic shopping location for a photo op but it's what I have for now!
Keep up your good work!
Warmly, Jean & Carrington

Please be patient. . .

I have literally been receiving hundreds of emails. I will get back to all of you in time (maybe a week or more), I promise, just be patient with this bewildered artist. I had no idea an art project would find so much interest.

It will take me quite some time (many many weeks at this point) to fulfill the requests I have been getting. PLEASE do not let that deter you from switching to fabric TODAY. Many stores now have bags for less than a dollar. If you consider the environmental impact of no longer using plastic OR paper, this is a BARGAIN. OR, what about those old backpacks/tote bags/diaper bags that are hanging out in the closet or basement. Those would make great shopping bags too and you already own them!

PLEASE start making your own bags, click on the link to the RIGHT for a FREE downloadable pattern!

Teresa a.k.a. Green Bag Lady

The Green Bag Lady Needs Your Help!

Thank you to everyone for you interest in this art project (especially those of you in NE, WI, FL, PA, WV, AZ, SD, AL, TX, OR, NC, MD, MO, SC, WA, VA, IL, TN, OH, SD and CANADA! who caught me on the local news stations recently). I seem to have struck a nerve. I love hearing from all of you and will still try to honor requests (as if right now, I have a backlog of 700+!).

Here is where YOU come in, I need people that sew or know people that sew to become GREEN BAG LADIES/MEN in your own communities. The link for the downloadable pattern is at the RIGHT of this page, it is VERY EASY and will get you started. You should have no trouble finding people with stashes of fabric that they will donate to your cause and who might be willing to cut, collect and sew for you!

I LOVE how this is growing and how many people are telling me they are going to start making bags. The ideas of Girl Scout Troop Badges, school/church fundraisers, camp projects, librarians handing them out to patrons, a 13 year old in Virginia doing a service project (wow!) and individuals that simply care and want to give them to families and friends are fabulous. This is the entire intent of the project and it can only grow. . . with your help.

What can you do?

•Organize a sewing party (again, click on the link to the RIGHT for the pattern, also the "step by step how to" video is now also available to the right ), even if YOU don't sew, you can certainly cut fabric, match handles, and collect fabric/supplies.

•You can learn to sew. This is a FABULOUS beginner project. I promise, it is very easy. If it wasn't, I wouldn't be able to make so many. You are going to carry groceries in it, not WEAR it, who cares if it is not perfect. Cute fabric covers many mistakes! :)

•Take the idea and RUN with it. I do not mind if you don't give me credit, the message is what is important.

If you start a Green Bag Lady/Man community, please let me know! I would love to see photos and hear stories about you!

The revolution is in full swing . . . I need a volunteer army to help carry it out!

Stay green! Teresa

Ohio Bag!

Bag #362 is home in Ohio! You did a beautiful job! Some of my scraps might make great *gift wrap bags*, I'm sure I can adapt your pattern to different sizes, maybe even carry on your bag idea, amongst my friends. In your name! Here is my picture, wish the store wasn't closing, would loved to have tried for a better pic... By the way, I am not that short, I am in a wheelchair. Have a great day and thanks for the nice bag, it hangs off the handle of my chair quite nicely... and is my favorite color too! How did you know that??? ~Beverly in Ohio

Brooklyn, NY Bag!

Your bag came and it is simply perfect! Thank you so much. As promised I put a recycled plastic bag pouch in the mail to you and here is a photo. Thanks so much for coming up with such a brilliant idea and letting me be a part of it. My bag has already saved the world of 6 plastic bags and counting. Annika #516

New Jersey Bag!

hi Teresa-
Here is a photo of both my daughter and I using the reusable bags. I am holding the one you made me and the other 3 are from your friends business (www.Flingco.com, oneslessbag). I have to say I wasn't sure I would like using them, but I loved using them today. It was very liberating when we were done putting away our groceries that there wasn't any waste, or bags to get rid of.

Thanks again so much for making me the bag to start my collection. Alison (bag #523)



Fortaleza, BRAZIL
Petropolis R.J. BRAZIL
Freiburg, GERMANY
Havana, CUBA
Pietermaritzburg, SOUTH AFRICA
Sicily, ITALY

Thank you, Dad, for compiling this info! Teresa

Two of the MANY emails I have been getting. . .

Hello my name is Mackenzie. I'm 11 1/2 yrs old and live in NC. My mom and I watched you on the news this morning. Could you please send a bag and the pattern to me as I'd like to start sewing them and giving them away too. I know you have a backlog of bags but thats Ok I'll take it whenever you can give it. I'll send you a picture after I make my first bag. I promise not to use plastic bags. Thank you, Mackenzie

Hi! I would love your pattern. I teach and school just ended. This seems like a great hobby for the summer. A few years back I made and embroidered custom bags. The business grew and wasn't fun anymore so I just quit. I have tons of fabric left from that venture and this sounds like a great idea. I love to just sit at my machine and sew..and this way I wouldn't have to be pleasing picky people. The pattern looks simple enough and I could probably just come up with it myself, but it looks like the perfect size so I would love to use your pattern. I would just start by making bags to give my fellow school teachers and family. I might then try to give them out at the local farmers market. I don't know about being able to mail them out, I would just have to see how this summer goes.

Sherry, Physical Education Teacher

This is what it is all about. Teresa

Bag in San Diego

Thanks for the bag, I used it the next day. My husband is in the Navy and the blue and gold are perfect!
Jamie Martin Bag #549

Charlie Geiger--The USA Green Lady

Attached is a picture of me using my bag. I was bringing food over to my Mother's house.
Charlie Geiger
Join My Radio show

Texas Bag!

Allyssa Wheaton-Rodriguez
Fort Worth, Texas
Bag #392

Green Bag Lady Event Today at Ecology

The photo is me (Green Bag Lady) on the left, my fabulous friend Alicia who has been a wonderful supporter of this project, in the middle and radio talk show host Dawn Kirk.

The event at Ecology went great today! Thanks for everyone who turned out and found homes for 66 bags!
Check out News Channel 4 tonight at 6 there will be footage from the event!
If you missed the event, see the above posting for the next event. I'd love to see you there.
Also, thank you to the wonderful people who donated fabric today too! Teresa

Why am I doing this?

Let me tell you a little about the Green Bag Lady project. . .

I started this art project in Jan/Feb of 2008. I am an artist/college professor but I mainly do photography and digital imaging (which is what I teach). This project could be classified as more of a "performance art piece." I do events where I go into public spaces, set up my sewing machine and give out bags as well as give them out on a daily basis. With Green Bag Lady, I would like more artists to think about the ecological impact of their art as well as producing work that has a direct, positive impact on the environment. I love that the audience is directly involved in this project.

The project started one day when I was scolding my husband for getting plastic bags at the grocery and he said he had to because there were no fabric bags in the other car (we normally only use one car) so I decided to go through my fabric bins (many of them!) and dig out fabric that had no other use. I ended up with quite a pile and I just started making bags. They were not very uniform in size when I started, but eventually I figured out what size worked best and that is the size of the pattern I now give out as a pdf. I started by bringing the bags to the college kids in my classes and then my friends. It has just grown from there. It has now taken on a life of its own!

I am adamant that I am NOT selling the bags or getting any compensation for them. They are a gift. I want the receiver to feel obligated to use them, that is why I require the promise to use them instead of paper or plastic. If one were to buy them from me, they become a commodity and there is no obligation any longer because the person owns the bag. A gift is owned by both people. I know that usually one bag is not enough but if I GIVE you one, you might start thinking about your usage and buy other bags to supplement your collection (and maybe even start thinking about recycling, composting, consumption and consumerism).

My favorite comments are from people who say things like, "this is the push I need to go more green" or "I have been thinking about switching to fabric and this will help me do that!" or "I am going to start making them and give them to everyone I know" or "I am going to have my Girl Scout Troop make them."

I should also mention, I am the mother of 3. Two girls ages 9 & 6 and a little 3 year old guy we affectionately call "Squeak."

Go green, live green, stay green!

Thanks for all the emails and great response to this project. Teresa

Over 500!

I'm over 500! Wow! I have many envelopes addressed waiting to be filled with bags. I'm sewing as fast as I can!


Wisconsin Bag!

got it, it looks fabulous and i'm so excited to use it! thanks again for your altruistic efforts...

best to you and yours,

The Dog and the Bag

Cooper, our Irish Setter, and I had a busy day with our bags! LOVE the one you sent us, thank you! We used it for visiting our local dog park (toted his shampoo b/c it's nearing the 100s already in Texas); we stopped for some soaps, at the local farmers market (see pineapple in your bag) and our favorite smoothie place (using reusable mugs)! I'll get a pic of me for you using the bag...and not my pooped pooch! :) Thank you again for changing the world...one bag at a time!

Teddi R. Zonker

Tara Biller of Green Proof Your Home

Hi Teresa,

I’ve been meaning to take a picture using the bags and I finally did it. Here I am with my youngest son Jonah with our bags at Target. We love them and are using them all the time. Thanks!

Founder and Owner